WPML multilingual website and Widgetkit 2
I came across this question couple of times on how to make a multilingual website using wpml or x-translate and widgetkit
Basically you need to have 2 widgets created, one for each language. the trick now that i will show you is how to have each widget appearing on the appropriate language
For that you need to install widget logic
Create both of your widgets in widgetkit and add them to the position you want, and and then under the widgets you will see that there is a box. That box is generated after you install widget logic and you can add some code to it. So according to your needs you can add code found from here
This will make the widget appear in all pages that are in English
This will make the widget appear in all pages that are in Greek

widget locic, widgetkit 2 multilingual, widgetkit wpml, widgetkit x-translate, wordpress yootheme multilanguage